What is the probability that, in a set of \(n\) randomly chosen people, at least two people share a birthday? The question is innocent, but the birthday paradox says that the probability exceeds \(50\%\) in a set of just 23 people. The result is counter-intuitive, as the product of probabilities is often counter-intuitive, but it’s important to remember that there are \((23 \times 22)/2 = 253\) pairs for a set of 23. Mathematically, in a set of \(n\) people, the probability that at least two people share a birthday is:
importnumpyasnpimportmatplotlib.pyplotaspltdefpTwoShareBday(num):p_ar=(365-np.arange(num))/365prod=1prod_ar=[]foreleminp_ar:prod=prod*elemprod_ar=np.append(prod_ar,prod)print("The probability that at least 2 people share a birthday in a set\
of {:.0f} (randomly chosen) people is {:.2f}%.".format(num,100*(1-prod)))plt.figure()plt.plot(np.linspace(1,num,num),(1-prod_ar),'.r')plt.xlabel('Number of People')plt.ylabel('Probability that at least 2 Share a B-Day')plt.show()
Birthday Paradox up to 23 People
Birthday Paradox up to 100 People
Mathematica Implementation
pTwoShareBday=1-Product[((365-i)/365),{i,0,n-1}];ListPlot[Table[pTwoShareBday,{n,1,100}],AxesLabel->{"# of People in a Room","P(2 Share a Birthday)"}]BdayList=Table[N[Refine[pTwoShareBday,n==k]],{k,1,23}]